ParadoxAt this time of year I find myself becoming reflective.  Not just of the past 12 months, although that does get a mention in a long list that goes through my mind, but more about life in general, where I’m heading and where I’ve been.

I don’t have massive goals in life (and I know that some of you just huffed out a huge OMG) but the smaller life goals and the work goals keep me grounded and purposeful at the moment.

I have never really ‘planned’ my career but I’ve tried quite a few different avenues that have been ‘right’ at the time.  And as you might imagine, I have a very eclectic CV (Curriculum Vitae).  I have been a Manager of many, I’ve been a trainer, a writer, a restaurant owner and a teacher.  I have tried businesses on my own, with partners and with family.

My brother recently asked me when I’m going to settle down and stop trying new things.  I don’t think I will.  The fact that he has been in his job now for at least 12 or 13 years doesn’t mean that I have to.

In fact, a couple of years ago I decided to go back to University to study something that I was really interested in – people and how they work together and with each other.  I met some great friends and had a great time learning.

One of the last units I had to do while writing my Thesis was one about writing.  About the free flow of writing as your mind concentrates on a subject but is allowed to move around that subject at will. I know it sounds a little loopy the way I have described it but it was a great week that allowed us to give ourselves permission to be creative and to use that creativity in our formal writing.

This week of reflection I came back to a piece I wrote during this time that still has amazing resonance for me.  I hope it resonates with you too…..



The Paradox of Circles

There’s circles of life and lives going in circles
There’s circles
 that create tension and circles of arms that ease.
The aggressor circles its prey
While the prey is looking for small circles, loopholes really, through which to escape.

The circle can be a formal dance where the male takes the lead.
The circle can be the board table where the lead circles round until there is a winner.
The circle can be messy, bloody, stifling or contemplative.

There is no beginning and no end to a circle
There can be no life without both genders.
There is an inner and an outer
But things still keep moving round.

The circle of learning where the more you learn the more you want to know
The circle of the family that nurtures and protects
The circle of life where the infinite beginnings overlap the finite ends.
What really happens in the confines of a circle has no bearing, no import, to those not there.