At Copper Tree Training our philosophy is simple…

        It’s all about the people

Our Trainers and Facilitators at Copper Tree Training come from a huge range of experiences but have an absolute fascination about life and all aspects of it.

We know that it’s a word tossed around too much these days but if we could find a better one we would use it because our people really are “passionate” about what they’re doing.  That means passing on knowledge and skills about helping protect the most vulnerable in our communities, the children and the elderly, or it may be as simple as providing our participants with additional professional skills to support them in their work.

For some of our Facilitators that’s about making the first couple of years stimulating, rewarding and positive for our youngest of society, and for other Facilitators it’s about making the last few hours of someone’s life as peaceful and wonderful as possible, dying with dignity.

Regardless which end of the spectrum you’re interested in, it really is all about being able to help make other peoples lives that much better by doing a few simple things.